Tensegrity Medicine Courses

Tensegrity Medicine Courses

Tensegrity Medicine Level 1
Assessments Course

October 26-27, 2024

The School House Bldg
720 Magnolia Rd
Charleston, SC 29407

$488. Payment plans available

Includes 2 day in person assessment course, x4 video lectures, manual, and research articles.

Learning Objectives

  • The student will understand the concept of tensegrity and its application to the human body.

  • The student will learn about the fascial system and its role in common pathologies.

  • The student will learn about relational anatomy and its role in pathologies and movement dysfunction.

  • The student will learn to objectively test and identify the greatest restriction in the fascia matrix.

  • The student will gain specific knowledge of fascial lines, the anatomical landmarks within these lines, and the pathologies commonly associated with them.

  • The student will learn to objectively analyze and document postural limitations in the fascial lines, utilizing Tensegral Assessments

  • The student will learn to select and apply appropriate manual therapy procedures based on Tensegral Assessments outcomes.

  • The student will learn about the nervous system, how trauma is held in the body and how a therapeutic presence of safety can significantly shift a client’s system into balanced tension

  • The student will be able to establish a customized treatment plan based on objective findings.